
Event, performance

Collectif LACS and Aurélie Emery 

Last round for redemption

Collectif LACS and Aurélie Emery 

Last round for redemption

Maison de Ribeaupierre

16:00, 28.09.24

LACS is a transdisciplinary artists’ collective made up of Laure Gonthier, Aline Paley, Caitlin Aiston Valloton and Murzo. The collective is currently working on the project
“Last round for redemption” project, which involves artistic fieldwork to understand what the rapid and gradual disappearance of glaciers may mean by examining the beliefs, cosmologies, mythologies and stories associated with Death. In Switzerland, various beliefs hold that glaciers are eternal, serving as a place of rest and purification for souls. The LACS collective’s research began in the Val d’Hérens, notably around the Fountain of the Dead, where souls, once purified, quench their thirst in preparation for their long procession and journey, leaving the glaciers and heading for Paradise.

This artistic intervention, accompanied by a sound performance by artist Aurélie Emery, takes place as part of the finissage of the exhibition Sonner le gla[s]cier.


Workshop entre artistes et scientifiques au glacier du Mont Miné, préparation de l’exposition SONNER LE GLA[S]CIER. © Maéva Besse

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