Thank you Team Association Support committee Impressum

About us

Thank you

Watching the Glacier Disappear relies on art to tell the truth without alarm, to get closer to it without despair, and to look it in the face to imagine possible futures. The association Aux arts les glaciers! would like to express its gratitude to all those who were willing to become involved. To all our partners, support committees, institutions, foundations and associations, and above all to the first people involved, the audiences and the artists: a heartfelt thank you!


Carmen Perrin, Artist
Bernard Fibicher, Curator
Lorette Coen, Writer

Ruth Gilgen Hamisultane, Partnerships and communications
Léa Hunziker, Communications
Françoise Jaunin, Editorial (artistic projects)
Anne-Outram Mott, Coordination


The association Aux arts les glaciers! was founded to better understand and highlight the perception of artists in relation to a changing world through exhibitions, performances and various events. The focus is on how they experience and narrate change and on how they bring their views into line with the environmental upheavals affecting human societies today

Christiane von Roten, President
Monique Keller
Anne-Catherine Lyon
Cyril Veillon

Support committee

They have had confidence in the project from the outset:

Katharina Ammann, Director, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Philippe Descola, Anthropologist; former holder of the Chair of Anthropology of Nature at the Collège de France
Ruth Dreifuss, Former Swiss Federal Councillor
Jacques Dubochet, Biophysicist; winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Olivier Français, Engineer; former Swiss State Councillor
Yvette Jaggi, Former Swiss State Councillor; former mayor of Lausanne; former president of Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council
Christiane Leister, Entrepreneur; philanthropist active in culture, the arts, science and polar expeditions
Frances Morris, former Director, Tate Modern, London
Luc Recordon, Lawyer; former Swiss State Councillor
Sonia Seneviratne, Climatologist; professor, Department of Environmental Systems Sciences, ETH Zurich
Uli Sigg, Entrepreneur; diplomat; art collector
Nancy Ypsilantis, Radio broadcaster, journalist and producer


Notter + Vigne, Visual identity and Graphic design
About Blank, Lionel Tardy, Web development
Scalawells, Christopher Scala, English translations
Eva Dewes, German translations
GGConsulting, Nadja et François Godi, Administration


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