
Artist Talk

Monica Ursina Jäger

Transdisciplinary project on art and geobiology

Transdisciplinary project on art and geobiology

Aargauer Kunsthaus

18:30, 20.06.24

The exchange between artist Monica Ursina Jäger and geobiologist Lena Bakker begins on expeditions to the Claridenfirn, the Jörigletscher or the Arctic Spitzbergen. At the Aargauer Kunsthaus, they give an exclusive insight into their project between art and geobiology. Using photographic and video material, they will discuss changing ecosystems, the challenge of climate change and future landscapes without glaciers.

Moderation: Damian Christinger. Welcome: Anouchka Panchard, research associate and curator of the exhibition. Introduction: Bernard Fibicher, co-founder of the Art for Glacier project.

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