
Event, performance

Claire Deutsch et Pierre-Antoine Dubey

Glaciers littéraires

Claire Deutsch et Pierre-Antoine Dubey

Glaciers littéraires

Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne

15:00, 18.08.24

Actors Claire Deutsch and Pierre-Antoine Dubey, both alumni of the University of Performing Arts of Western Switzerland (La Manufacture), will read excerpts from poems and novels touching on the theme of glaciers. The selection consists of Les Feuilles d’automne by Victor Hugo (1831), Am Gletscher by Friedrich Nietzsche (1860), La Montagne by Jules Michelet (1868), Ascension by Ludwig Hohl (1975) and Des oiseaux couleur de soufre by llija Trojanow (2011). There will also be a reading from Melvill, a 2022 novel by Argentinian author Rodrigo Fresán in which a dying father recounts his youth and memories of his Grand Tour. A work of genuine beauty, the novel is akin to an invitation to walk on ice: “The last, definitive type of ice (…) is not linked to its shape or its molecular composition, but to a much more powerful and omnipresent reality, albeit invisible and thus bordering on the divine: memory.
Is ice the stuff of which memory is made, or does memory encase itself in ice so that it does not lose its way, melt and disappear?”

Claire Deutsch (b. 1982, Strasbourg) studied humanities and trained as a primary-school teacher. She subsequently retrained as an actor at La Manufacture in Lausanne. An award-winning performer, she has worked with Vincent Brayer, Aurélien Patouillard and Catherine Delmar among others, as well as appearing in collective productions with Post Tenebras Lux and La Distillerie. In 2014, she co-founded Collectif Sur Un Malentendu and, in 2018, she created her own company, Vasistas.

Pierre-Antoine Dubey (b. 1985, Zurich) studied dramatic art at the Cours Florent in Paris. He won awards during his time at La Manufacture in Lausanne, graduating in 2010. He soon appeared in stage productions for Mathieu Bertholet in Avignon, at the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, and at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. He also appeared the 2023 film «Laissez-moi», l’enfant d’en bas by Maxime Zuber, alongside Jeanne Balibar. He co-founded Collectif Sur Un Malentendu in 2014.

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